Keynote 1 | Digitalisation of EPDs

AI in action: insights from Sigma Software

This session delves into the transformative impact of AI and digitalization on EPD data generation and verification. On the trend of the rapid growth of AI, machine learning could be leveraged to significantly enhance the accuracy and efficiency of environmental data collection for life cycle assessment. Yet how do we ensure the safety around data storage?

The application and integration of digital platforms, blockchain, and IoT devices, could further ensure transparency and real-time monitoring of environmental impacts. Nonetheless, how do we safeguard the right use of data to prevent greenwashing?

While AI could be applied to verification to foster data integrity by detecting anomalies and ensuring regulatory compliance, how could it be adopted to support but not replace verifiers?

The session also tackles both opportunities and challenges associated with technological advancements for EPD evolvement, and addresses how these cutting-edge technologies can enhance the robustness of EPD management to further contribute to sustainable production and consumption and facilitating sustainability goals.

Presentation Slides